Ords. JavaScript is disabled. 109-J-3, 3, 1-4-10), Sec. Possession or use while under influence of alcoholic liquor or controlledIt shall be unlawful for any person, while under the influence of alcoholic liquor or any controlled substance, to carry, have in his possession or control, discharge or use, in any manner, any weapon as enumerated in sections 20-401, 20-411 and 20-412.(Ord. (8) An establishment licensed under the Michigan liquor control act, Act No. Provided, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to any peace officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, policeman, or any duly appointed assistant of such officers, in the discharge of his duties, or any members of any authorized military organization when acting in the proper discharge of their duties, nor to any person properly licensed under the laws of the state, or any other state, to carry a weapon upon his person, when such weapon shall be employed for the purpose for which the license was granted, subject to the limitations of subsection (a) of this section. (9) Flammable liquid except fuel contained in a fuel tank of a motor vehicle, vessel, lantern, camp stove, camp heater and not more than one gallon of liquid fuel in a closed metal container other than fuel for a motor vehicle or vessel in a tank permanently attached to the vehicle or vessel. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. 28.2, 1(C)(33), 6-3-1991), ARTICLE IV. 2. (c) To use poison or a chemical by itself or in bait or feed to attract and kill wildlife.Sec. Ords. A knife which has a blade that opens automatically by hand pressure applied to a button, spring, or other device;c. A shuriken or other similar multi-pointed or star-shaped object made from a hard substance and designed or intended for use as a weapon capable of inflicting bodily harm when propelled or thrown by human force;d. A tekagi, shuko, or other similar object made of a hard substance and designed or intended for use as a weapon capable of inflicting bodily harm when attached to or fitted upon the hand and propelled by human force;e. A nunchaku, zoobow, klackers, kung fu sticks, flail sticks, or other similar objects consisting of two (2) lengths of metal, wood, plastic, or other hard substance connected at one (1) end and designed or intended for use as a weapon capable of inflicting bodily harm when propelled by human force;f. A shinobi-zue or other staff, stick, or pole concealing a knife or blade which may be exposed by a flip of the wrist or by a mechanical device;g. A manrikigusari or other object consisting of a length of rope, chain, leather, cord, or flexible substance, having one (1) or more weighted ends and designed or intended for use as a weapon capable of inflicting bodily harm when propelled by human force;h. A sword cane, umbrella sword cane, or similar device;i. Shooting into any park areas from beyond park boundaries is forbidden. 38-16-4. This section does not apply to police officers acting in their normal course of duty. Discharge of weapons.No person shall discharge any firearm, air rifle, air pistol or bow and arrow in the city, except when in connection with a regularly scheduled educational or training program under adequate supervision. Weapons on college campuses and buildings.No regularly enrolled student, guest or other person shall have in his or her possession on any college campus or in any college building, either concealed or not concealed, any rifle, shotgun, revolver, knife, fire bomb, explosive or any other dangerous weapon or ordnance.(Ord. The prohibition of this Ordinance shall not apply to licensed shooting galleries or in private grounds or premises under circumstances when such instrument can be fired, discharged or operated in such a manner as not to endanger persons or property, and also in such manner as to prevent the projectile from traversing any grounds or space outside the limits of such gallery, grounds or residence; and further provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the concealed carrying of any type of gun whatsoever when unloaded and properly cased, to or from any range or gallery, or to or from a legal hunting trip or from using same during any authorized hunting season as promulgated by the Department of Conservation of the State of Michigan and in accordance with the regulations therein set forth. 1983, 20.262), ARTICLE II. No. 22-126. Period. Ords. Any person, having a good and valid reason to discharge a firearm within the corporate limits of the village, may make written application to the chief of police for a special permit, setting forth in said application the exact and true reason for obtaining such permit; said chief of police may, if he finds that the applicant has a good and sufficient reason, issue a special permit in writing to said applicant to discharge a firearm within the village, under such conditions as said chief of police may thereon impose, and which permit shall expire on the date set forth in said permit, but in no case later than 30 days from the date of issuance thereof.(Comp. (e) The possession, manufacture, marketing, distribution, and sale of replica or facsimile firearms are permitted if such devices are possessed, manufactured, marketed, distributed, or sold (1) solely for subsequent transportation in intrastate, interstate, or foreign commerce or (2) solely for lawful use in theatrical productions, including motion picture, television, and stage productions. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY Norway, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. are slingshots legal in michigan - grace4lifexperience.com (Code 1987, 20-60; Ord. WEAPONS Lyon Charter Township, (Oakland Co.), Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. 54-82. 8-32. The retention, disposition and forfeiture of confiscated weapons by the police department shall be in compliance with MCL 750.239a.(Ord. No person shall have in his possession or control on authority property within the township any slingshot, pellet gun, air rifle, explosives or other dangerous substances. No. A slungshot is weight attached to a cord used to knock someone out. 58-216. Skip to content. 50-46. of 1-21-1997(5)), ARTICLE VII. 17-116. Slingshot hunting: State by State | Slingshots Forum 162, 1, 12-14-93), DIVISION 2. No person shall use, carry or possess firearms of any description or air rifles, spring guns, bow and arrows, slings or any other forms of weapons potentially inimical to wild life and dangerous to human safety, or an instrument that can be loaded with and fire blank cartridges or any kind of trapping device. (a) It is unlawful for any person to draw, exhibit, or brandish replica or facsimile firearms or simulate the drawing, exhibiting, or brandishing of replica or facsimile firearms, in a rude, threatening, or angry manner with intent to fright, vex, harass, or annoy any other person. Unlawful discharge of weapon.It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any firearm, air rifle, air pistol, crossbow, or bow and arrow in the village, except when lawfully acting in the defense of persons or property or the enforcement of law, or at a duly established range, the operation of which has been approved by the village council.(Comp. Discharge of weapons.No person shall discharge any weapon within the village except in connection with the performance of lawful duties of law enforcement, or the protection of person or property when confronted with deadly force.(Ord. (d) No person shall shoot any air gun, spring gun, cross bow or firearm, or other dangerous weapon or instrument in the City of Bad Axe. License Requirements By State | Polaris Slingshot Ords. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) above, a firearm or BB gun shall be returned under this section within 30 days after the firearm or BB gun is claimed by the owner, unless the owner is prohibited from possessing a firearm under state or federal law. 20-326. Hunt, trap or pursue wild life at any time. 25-63. Definitions.For the purposes of this division, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:Air gun shall mean any gun, rifle or pistol, by whatever name known, which is designed to expel a projectile by the action of compressed air or gas, or by the action of a spring or elastic, but such term does not include a firearm.Dealer shall mean any person engaged in the business of selling at retail or renting any air gun. Any article used in violation of this section shall be confiscated by the director of public safety and disposed of in accordance with law. (Code 1969, 9.212), Sec. 189 of 1959 (MCL 8.37), BB gun, pellet gun, air gun, spring gun, slingshot, bow, or other weapon from which a dangerous projectile may be propelled by explosives, spring, gas, or air, or any other dangerous weapon as defined in section 24-141, DIVISION 2. (c) Hunting wild game animals and birds is unlawful in the city, except that a landowner may use a pellet gun on his own property for pest control with respect to rats, coyote, opossum, porcupine, weasel, red squirrel and skunk. Shooting into park areas from beyond park boundaries is forbidden. This list shows products that are prohibited in the locations indicated. but you need this one. (b) No person shall have in his possession or control any glass bottle or glass container in a park or recreational facility. Destroying or injuring property by careless, reckless or negligent use of bow or arrow.Any person who, because of carelessness, recklessness or negligence, but not willfully or wantonly, shall cause or allow any bow or arrow under his control to be used so as to destroy or injure the property of another, real or personal, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.DIVISION 3. It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years to be in possession of any knife, dart, or instrument of any description that could be used for cutting or stabbing, on any of the streets, alleys, parks, boulevards or other public property or schools in the township or in any dance hall, theatre, amusement park, alcoholic beverage establishment, store or other private property generally frequented for purposes of education, recreation, amusement, entertainment, sport or shopping, provided that this section shall not apply to any such person under 18 years of age being in possession of any such knife when it is used or carried in good faith as a tool of honest work, trade, business, sport or recreation or when used or carried in good faith as equipment related to and required for any legitimate sport, recreation or youth character building program (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.) DefinitionsFirearm means a weapon from which a dangerous projectile may be propelled by an explosive, or by gas or air. No. Regulations. It is a gross misdemeanor in the states of Nevada and Washington. (e) Possession of firearm or other weapon used for hunting. DIVISION 4. Slingshots in Massachusetts | Northeastshooters.com Forums 14-277. (Code 1964, 66-2-2)Sec. (Code 1957, 6-3.01(w), ARTICLE II. are slingshots legal in michigan - Rafaels-gin.ch (c) No person shall discharge, without injury to another person, any firearm, while intentionally and without malice aiming it at or toward any other person. 54-216. (Code 1975, 8-4-25; Code 1997, 54-284). DIVISION 2. Carrying by minors in public.It shall be unlawful for any person under eighteen (18) years of age to carry any air gun on the streets, alleys, public roads or public lands within the city unless accompanied by an adult; provided, that such person under eighteen (18) years of age may carry such air gun, unloaded, in a suitable case or securely wrapped. 08-428, 2-19-2008), ARTICLE III. (a) No shooting range shall be operated within the city unless a license is procured from the city clerk.
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